List all packages available in an R-universe.

runi_packages(universe, package = NULL, version = NULL)



A length one character. User or organization name of the the R-universe owner.


either NULL, or a length one character. Package name (see details).


either NULL, or a character vector. Package version (see details).


a tibble if both package and version are not NULL, a character vector otherwise.


This function gives access to three types of information, depending on how many arguments are different from NULL:

  • runi_packages(universe) lists all packages in the R-universe universe.

  • runi_packages(universe, package), where package is a string, lists all available version for package package in this universe.

  • runi_packages(universe, package, version) lists all available builds for package package of version version (specified as a string).

The argument version is ignored if package is NULL.


Valerio Gherardi


( packages <- runi_packages("vgherard") )
#> [1] "fcci" "gsample" "kgrams" "r2r" "runi" "sbo" "scribblr"
( versions <- runi_packages("vgherard", packages[[1]]) )
#> [1] "1.0.0"
( versions <- runi_packages("vgherard", packages[[1]], versions[[1]]) )
#> # A tibble: 5 × 32 #> `_id` Package Type Title Version `Authors@R` Maintainer Description License #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 60e02… fcci Packa… Feld… 1.0.0 "person(gi… Valerio G… "Provides … GPL (>… #> 2 60e02… fcci Packa… Feld… 1.0.0 "person(gi… Valerio G… "Provides … GPL (>… #> 3 60e02… fcci Packa… Feld… 1.0.0 "person(gi… Valerio G… "Provides … GPL (>… #> 4 60e02… fcci Packa… Feld… 1.0.0 "person(gi… Valerio G… "Provides … GPL (>… #> 5 60e02… fcci Packa… Feld… 1.0.0 "person(gi… Valerio G… "Provides … GPL (>… #> # … with 23 more variables: Encoding <chr>, RoxygenNote <chr>, #> # SystemRequirements <chr>, URL <chr>, BugReports <chr>, #> # Config/testthat/edition <chr>, Repository <chr>, RemoteUrl <chr>, #> # RemoteRef <chr>, RemoteSha <chr>, NeedsCompilation <chr>, Packaged <chr>, #> # Author <chr>, Built <df[,4]>, _user <chr>, _type <chr>, _file <chr>, #> # _published <chr>, _builder <df[,11]>, MD5sum <chr>, _hard_deps <list>, #> # _soft_deps <list>, Archs <chr>