Exponential Dispersion Models


March 7, 2024


Exponential Dispersion Models (EDMs) provide a natural generalization of the normal distribution, in which the modeled variable \(Y\) is assumed to follow a probability density:

\[ \text d P _{\lambda,\,\mu}(y)=e^{-\frac{\lambda}{2}d(y,\,\mu)}\text d \nu _{\lambda}(y) \]

with respect to a certain dominating measure \(\nu _{\lambda}\). Here \(\mu = \intop y\,\text d P_{\lambda,\,\mu}(y)\) and \(d(y,\,\mu) \geq 0\), with equality only for \(y = \mu\). The function \(d(y,\,\mu)\) is called the unit deviance, and plays for EDMs the same role of squared distance \((y-\mu)^2\) for the normal model. Not surprisingly, EDMs provide a sound framework for the maximum-likelihood based formulation of generalized linear models, additive models, and similar beasts.

Exponential Dispersion Models

We start with a probability measure on \(\mathbb R ^n\) in the form of an additive EDM:

\[ \text d P ^* _{\lambda, \theta} (z) = e^{\theta ^T z-\lambda\kappa(\theta)}\text dQ^*_\lambda (z) \tag{1}\]

where \(\lambda > 0\), \(\text Q^*_\lambda\) is a Borelian probability measure on \(\mathbb R\), and \(\kappa(\theta)\) is a differentiable strictly convex function, with \(\kappa''(\theta) > 0\) and \(\kappa(0) =0\). For a random variable \(Z\) distributed according to Equation 3 we write \(Z\sim \text{ED}^*(\lambda, \,\theta,\,\kappa)\).

For any given \(\lambda\), normalization of Equation 1 requires:

\[ e^{\lambda \kappa(\theta)}=\intop e^{\theta ^Ty}\text dQ^*_\lambda(z) \tag{2}\]

to hold for all \(\theta\) and \(\lambda\). In other words, \(M_\lambda(\theta) \equiv e^{\lambda \kappa(\theta)}\) must be the moment generating function of the measure \(Q^* _\lambda(y)\) for a given \(\theta\), which we assume to be uniquely determined by its moments1, so that we can omit the mention of the measure \(Q^*_\lambda\) in the notation \(\text{ED}^*(\lambda, \,\theta,\,\kappa)\)^. This requires, in particular \(\kappa (0) = 0\).

A closely related parametrization is the so-called reproductive EDM:

\[ \text d P _{\lambda, \theta} (y) = e^{\lambda(\theta ^T y-\kappa(\theta))}\text dQ_\lambda (y) \tag{3}\]

For a random variable \(Y\) distributed according to Equation 3 we write \(Y\sim \text{ED}(\lambda, \,\theta,\,\kappa)\). The link between Equation 3 and Equation 1 is that \(Y\sim \text{ED}(\lambda, \,\theta,\,\kappa)\) if and only if \(Z=\lambda Y\sim \text{ED}^*(\lambda, \,\theta,\,\kappa)\), so that reproductive and additive EDMs can be interchanged whenever convenient, at least for theoretical considerations. The probability measures \(\text d Q_\lambda\) and \(\text d Q ^*_\lambda\), which are uniquely determined by normalization, are related by push-forward:

\[ Q_\lambda ^* = (m_\lambda )_*(Q_\lambda), \tag{4}\]

where \(m_\lambda\) denotes multiplication by \(\lambda\), i.e. \(m_\lambda(y)=\lambda y\).

In cases of practical interest (see the examples below), \(Q_\lambda\) and \(Q_\lambda^*\) are absolutely continuous either with respect to the Lebesgue measure, or with respect some measure concentrated on \(c \cdot \mathbb N\) for some \(c>0\). The two cases are referred to as the “continuous” and “discrete” case, respectively, for obvious reasons.

General Properties

Moment generating function

Consider first the reproductive EDM Equation 3. If \(Y\sim \text {ED}(\lambda,\,\theta,\,\kappa)\), its moment generating function is:

\[ M_Y(s)=\mathbb E(e^{sY})=\exp\left[\lambda\left(\kappa(\theta +\frac{s}{\lambda})-\kappa(\theta)\right)\right], \tag{5}\]

from which we can derive, in particular:

\[ \begin{split} \mathbb E(Y) &= \frac{\text d}{\text ds}\vert_{s=0}\log M(s) =\kappa'(\theta),\\ \mathbb V(Y) &= \frac{\text d^2}{\text ds ^2}\vert_{s=0}\log M(s) =\frac{\kappa''(\theta)}{\lambda}.\\ \end{split} \tag{6}\]

For the additive EDM Equation 1, the corresponding results for \(Z\sim \text{ED}^*(\lambda,\,\theta,\,\kappa)\) are:

\[ \begin{split} M_Z(s)&=\exp\left[\lambda\left(\kappa(\theta + s)-\kappa(\theta)\right)\right],\\ \mathbb E(Z) &= \lambda\kappa'(\theta),\\ \mathbb V(Z) &= \lambda \kappa''(\theta). \end{split} \tag{7}\]

Legendre Transform of \(\kappa (\theta)\)

Since \(\kappa\) is strictly convex, the mapping:

\[ \mu = \frac{\partial\kappa}{\partial\theta} \tag{8}\]

is invertible, and we may equivalently parametrize the reproductive EDM in terms of \(\mu\) and \(\lambda\) as follows:

\[ \text d P _{\lambda, \mu} (y) = e^{\lambda(\theta(\mu) ^T (y-\mu)+\tau(\mu))}\text dQ_\lambda (y). \tag{9}\]


\[ \tau(\mu) = \theta(\mu)^T\mu - \kappa(\theta(\mu)). \tag{10}\]

is the Legendre transform of \(\kappa\).


Consider two reproductive EDMs \(P _{\lambda,\mu _1}\) and \(P _{\lambda,\mu _2}\) with the same dispersion parameter \(\lambda\) (the function \(\kappa\) is assumed to be fixed throughout). The likelihood ratio at a given \(Y=y\) is:

\[ \ln (\frac{\text d P_{\lambda,\mu_1}}{\text d P_{\lambda,\mu_2}}(y))=\lambda\cdot\left[(\theta_1-\theta_2)y-(\kappa_1-\kappa_2)\right], \tag{11}\]

where \(\theta _1 = \theta(\mu_1)\), \(\kappa_1= \kappa(\theta(\mu _1))\), etc.. Setting \(\mu _1 = y\) and \(\mu _2 = \mu\) in this expression and multiplying by a convenient factor, we obtain the so called unit scaled deviance:

\[ \begin{split} d_\lambda(y,\mu) &\equiv 2\left.\ln (\frac{\text d P_{\lambda,\mu_0}}{\text d P_{\lambda,\mu}}(y)) \right \vert _{\mu_0=y}\\&=2\lambda\cdot\left[(\theta(y)-\theta(\mu))y-\kappa(\theta(y))+\kappa(\theta(\mu))\right]. \end{split} \tag{12}\]

The unit deviance is defined as:

\[ \begin{split} d(y,\mu) &\equiv d_1(y,\mu)\\&=2\cdot\left[(\theta(y)-\theta(\mu))y-\kappa(\theta(y))+\kappa(\theta(\mu))\right] \end{split} \tag{13}\]

It is also useful to express \(d_\lambda\) in terms of the Legendre transform \(\tau\) of \(\kappa\), as defined in Equation 10:

\[ d_\lambda(y,\mu) =2\lambda\cdot\left[-\theta(\mu)^T(y-\mu)+\tau(y)-\tau(\mu)\right] \tag{14}\]

Using the convexity of \(\kappa\), it is easy to show that \(d_\lambda(y,\mu) \geq 0\) for all \(y\) and \(\mu\), and that \(d_\lambda(y,\mu) = 0\) requires \(\mu = y\). The probability measure can be expressed in terms of the unit deviance as:

\[ \text d P _{\lambda, \mu} (y) = e^{-\frac{\lambda}{2}d(y,\,\mu)}e^{\lambda \tau(y)}\text dQ_\lambda (y). \tag{15}\]

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Let \(Y_i\sim \text{ED}(\lambda,\,\mu^{(0)}_ i ,\,\kappa)\) be independent for \(i=1,\,2,\,\dots,\,N\) and let \(M\subseteq \mathbb R ^N\) be a family of models for the mean \(\boldsymbol \mu ^{(0)} = (\mu _1^{(0)},\,\mu_2^{(0)},\dots,\,\mu_N^{(0)})^T\) (in a GLM context, \(M\) would be the linear subspace spanned by the covariates, \(\boldsymbol \mu _\beta = \mathbf X \beta\)). From Equation 15, we see that the likelihood of a model \(\boldsymbol \mu \in M\) is, modulo a \(\boldsymbol \mu\)-independent term, equal to its total deviance:

\[ \log \mathcal L (\boldsymbol \mu,\,\lambda;\mathbf Y) = -\frac{\lambda}{2}\mathcal D(\mathbf Y,\boldsymbol \mu)+g_\lambda(\mathbf Y), \tag{16}\] with:

\[ \mathcal D (\mathbf Y,\boldsymbol \mu)\equiv\sum_{i=1}^Nd(Y_i,\mu_i) \tag{17}\]

Hence, the Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) of \(\boldsymbol \mu\) corresponds to the minimum deviance estimate:

\[ \hat {\boldsymbol \mu}\equiv \arg \max _{\boldsymbol \mu \in M} \mathcal L (\boldsymbol \mu,\,\lambda;\,\mathbf Y)=\arg \min _{\boldsymbol \mu \in M} \mathcal D (\mathbf Y;\boldsymbol \mu). \tag{18}\]

In particular, the MLE \(\hat {\boldsymbol \mu}\) is obtained by minimizing a function of \(\boldsymbol \mu\) only, and is independent on whether the dispersion parameter \(\lambda\) is being estimated itself or not.

These results are sometimes formulated in terms of a “saturated” model \(\boldsymbol \mu _\text{s} = \mathbf Y\). From Equation 16 we see that such a model has likelihood equal to \(g_{\lambda}(\boldsymbol \mu)\), implying that:

\[ \lambda\mathcal D(\mathbf Y,\boldsymbol \mu) = -2\log \left(\frac{\mathcal L (\boldsymbol \mu,\lambda;\mathbf Y)}{\mathcal L (\mathbf Y,\lambda;\mathbf Y)}\right) \] {#eq-deviance-log-lik}.

We note the asymptotic results (B. Jørgensen 1992, sec. 3.6):

\[ \lambda \mathcal D(\mathbf Y,\,\hat {\boldsymbol \mu})\overset{d}{\to} \chi ^2 _{N-p} \qquad (\lambda \to \infty),\\ \tag{19}\]

for a correctly specified model family \(M\) with \(\dim (M) = p\), and:

\[ \lambda \mathcal D(\mathbf Y,\,\hat {\boldsymbol \mu}_1)-\lambda D(\mathbf Y,\,\hat {\boldsymbol \mu}_2)\overset{d}{\to} \chi ^2 _{p_2-p_1} \qquad (\lambda \to \infty \text { or } N\to \infty), \tag{20}\]

for a correctly specified model family \(M_1\) and \(M_2 \supseteq M_1\), with \(p_i =\dim (M_i)\). Equation 19 can be seen as the limiting case of Equation 20 when \(M_2 = \mathbb R ^N\), as in the saturated model. The manifolds \(M\) and \(M_i\) are not strictly required to be linear subspaces of \(\mathbb R^N\), because in the limits and under the null hypotheses implied by Eqs. Equation 19 and Equation 20 the distributions of MLEs are concentrated around the true value \(\boldsymbol \mu ^{(0)}\), so that the manifolds \(M\) and \(M_i\) can be effectivley approximated by their tangent spaces.

Noteworthy, limit Equation 19 holds in the small dispersion limit \(\lambda \to \infty\) only, whereas limit Equation 20 is also valid in the large sample limit, essentially due to Wilks’ theorem.

Examples of EDMs

Univariate Gaussian

The univariate gaussian family \(N (\mu, \sigma^2)\), with probability density function (PDF):

\[ f_{\mu,\sigma}(y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt {2 \pi \sigma ^2}}\exp\left[-\frac{(y-\mu)^2}{2\sigma ^2}\right] \tag{21}\]

corresponds to the reproductive EDM \(\text{ED}(\lambda, \,\theta,\,\kappa)\) with:

\[ \kappa (\theta) = \frac{\theta ^2}{2},\quad \theta \in \mathbb R,\quad \lambda \in \mathbb R^+. \tag{22}\]

The correspondence is given by:

\[ \theta = \mu,\quad \lambda = \frac{1}{\sigma^2}. \tag{23}\]

The base probability measure is given by:

\[ \text d Q_\lambda (y)=\sqrt{\frac \lambda {2\pi}}e^{-\lambda y^2/2} \text dy \tag{24}\]

The Legendre transform of \(\kappa\) is:

\[ \tau(\mu) = \frac{\mu ^2}{2} \tag{25}\]

and the unit deviance reads:

\[ d(y, \hat \mu) =(y-\hat \mu)^2. \tag{26}\]


The binomial family \(\mathcal B(p,N)\) with probability mass function (PMF):

\[ f_{p,N}(z) = \binom{N}{z} p^z(1-p)^{N-z} \tag{27}\]

corresponds to the additive EDM \(\text{ED}^*(\lambda, \,\theta;\,\kappa)\) with:

\[ \kappa(\theta) = \ln (\dfrac{1+e^\theta}{2}),\quad \theta\in \mathbb R ,\quad \lambda \in \mathbb N. \tag{28}\]

The correspondence is given by:

\[ \theta = \ln\frac{p}{1-p},\quad\lambda =N. \tag{29}\]

The base probability measure reads:

\[ \frac{\text d Q_\lambda^*(z)}{\text d z} =2^{-\lambda}\sum_{i=0} ^\lambda \binom{\lambda}{i} \delta (z-i). \tag{30}\]

The Legendre transform of \(\kappa\) (using \(p\) for the mean parameter) is:

\[ \tau(p)= \ln2+p\ln p+(1-p)\ln(1-p) \tag{31}\]

and the unit deviance for the reproductive EDM:

\[ d(y,\hat p)=-2y\ln (\dfrac{\hat p}{y})-2(1-y)\ln (\dfrac{1-\hat p}{1-y}). \tag{32}\]

For the additive EDM, appropriate to an integer valued binomial variable, this is given by:

\[ d(z,\hat p)=-2\frac{z}{N}\ln (\dfrac{N\hat p}{z})-2(1-\frac{z}{N})\ln (\dfrac{N-N\hat p}{N-z}). \tag{33}\]


The multinomial family \(\text{Mult} _{K+1}(p_1,\,p_2,\dots ,p_{K+1},\,N)\) for \(K+1\) categories is given by the PMF:

\[ f_{\boldsymbol p ,N}(z) = \binom{N}{z_1,\,z_2,\,\dots,\,z_{K+1}}\prod _{k=1}^{K+1}p_k^{z_k}, \tag{34}\]

In order to identify this with an EDM, we use the constraints \(\sum _{i=1}^{M+1}z_i =1\) and \(\sum _{i=1}^{M+1}p_i =1\) to eliminate one dependent variable and parameter, say \(z_{M+1}\) and \(p_{M+1}\), respectively. The family of densities for the resulting \(M\)-dimensional vector \(\boldsymbol z=(z_1\,z_2\,\dots\,z_M)^T\) corresponds to the additive EDM \(\text{ED}^*(\lambda, \,\theta;\,\kappa)\) with:

\[ \quad \kappa(\theta) = \ln(\dfrac{1+\sum_{i=1}^K e^{\theta _k}}{K+1}), \quad \theta \in \mathbb R^K,\quad \lambda \in \mathbb N, \tag{35}\]

the correspondence being given by:

\[ \theta _i = \ln \frac{p_i}{p_{K+1}},\quad \lambda = N. \tag{36}\]

The base measure:

\[ \frac{\text d Q_\lambda^*(z)}{\text d \boldsymbol z} =(K+1)^{-\lambda}\sum_{\boldsymbol i\in \mathbb N ^{K}\,\colon \,\sum _{k=1}^{K}i_k\leq\lambda} \binom{\lambda}{i_1,\,i_2,\dots,i_{K+1}} \delta (\boldsymbol z-\boldsymbol i), \tag{37}\]

where \(i_{K+1} = N - \sum _{k=1} ^{K} i_k\). The Legendre transform of \(\kappa\) is:

\[ \tau(\boldsymbol p)= \ln (K+1)+\sum _{k=1}^{K+1}p_k\ln p_k \tag{38}\]

and the deviance is:

\[ d(y,\hat {\boldsymbol p}) = -2\sum _{k=1}^{K+1}y_k\ln (\frac{\hat p_k}{y_k}). \tag{39}\]

For the additive EDM, appropriate to an integer valued multinomial variable, this is given by:

\[ d(z,\hat p)=-2\sum _{k=1}^{K+1}\frac{z_k}{N}\ln (\dfrac{N\hat p}{z_k}). \tag{40}\]


The Poisson PMF is:

\[ f(y) = \frac {\nu ^z} {z!} e^{-\nu} \tag{41}\]

This can be interpreted as coming from an additive EDM with:

\[ \kappa(\theta)=e^\theta-1,\quad \theta \in \mathbb R,\quad \lambda \in \mathbb R^+. \tag{42}\]

However, the correspondence is not unique, being given by the single relation:

\[ \lambda e^\theta = \nu \tag{43}\]

which describes a curve in the \(\Theta \times \Lambda\) space. The corresponding base measure is:

\[ \dfrac{\text d Q _\lambda (z)}{\text d z} = e^{-\lambda}\sum _{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{\lambda ^k\delta(z-k)}{k!} \tag{44}\]

which is nothing but the Poisson measure itself.


I have mostly followed (Bent Jørgensen 1987). References (B. Jørgensen 1992) (Jorgensen 1997) from the same author provide more extensive expositions. A good reference for GLMs is (McCullagh 2019).


Jorgensen, Bent. 1997. The Theory of Dispersion Models. CRC Press.
Jørgensen, B. 1992. The Theory of Exponential Dispersion Models and Analysis of Deviance. Monografias de Matemática. IMPA. https://books.google.es/books?id=twN3vgAACAAJ.
Jørgensen, Bent. 1987. “Exponential Dispersion Models.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological) 49 (2): 127–45.
McCullagh, Peter. 2019. Generalized Linear Models. Routledge.


  1. Whether a set of moments determines a unique probability measure is called the Hamburger moment problem.↩︎



BibTeX citation:
  author = {Gherardi, Valerio},
  title = {Exponential {Dispersion} {Models}},
  date = {2024-03-07},
  url = {https://vgherard.github.io/notebooks/exponential-dispersion-models/},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Gherardi, Valerio. 2024. “Exponential Dispersion Models.” March 7, 2024. https://vgherard.github.io/notebooks/exponential-dispersion-models/.