Create automatic resumes of your R packages using the R-Universe API.
Starting from today, all posts from this blog in the R
category will also appear on R-bloggers. I would like to thank Tal for aggregating my blog, and say “hi!” to all R-bloggers readers. I’m a particle physicist with a passion for R, Statistics and Machine Learning. If you want to find out something more about me, you can take a look at my website, and links therein.
R-universe is a cool initiative from rOpenSci, which allows you to create your own CRAN-like repository. The latter is synced with the GitHub repositories (main or specific branches, or releases) associated to your R packages, so that using an R-universe is a very effortless way to organize and share your personal package ecosystem.
If you want to setup your own R-universe, follow the instructions in this blog post. In this post, I assume that you have created your own R-universe, and show you how to retrieve metadata on your packages using the R-universe API.
Once you will have it set up, your R-universe will be available at the URL
. For instance, mine is From your R-universe home page, you can access the documentation of the API. We will use the command:
GET /stats/descriptions
NDJSON stream with data from package DESCRIPTION files.
The JSON stream can be read with jsonlite
, as follows:
Found 6 records...
Imported 6 records. Simplifying...
The result is a dataframe with alll the entries of your packages’ DESCRIPTION file, e.g.:
pkgs[, c("Package", "Title", "Version")]
Package Title Version
1 scribblr A Notepad Inside RStudio 0.2.1
2 kgrams Classical k-gram Language Models 0.2.0
3 fcci Feldman-Cousins Confidence Intervals 1.0.1
4 r2r R-Object to R-Object Hash Maps 0.1.1
5 gsample Efficient Weighted Sampling Without Replacement 0.1.0
6 sbo Text Prediction via Stupid Back-Off N-Gram Models 0.5.0
I use this query on my personal website to automatically generate a resume of the packages available on my R-universe (this is combined with a GitHub Action scheduled workflow which periodically updates the Code
section of my website). More precisely, I define an R string txt
containing the Markdown code for my resume, and I inline it in R Markdown using the synthax `r `
. This is the code I use on my website:
txt <- ""
for (i in seq_len(nrow(pkgs))) {
txt <- paste0(
"### [`", pkgs[i, "Package"], "`](", pkgs[i, "RemoteUrl"], ")", "\n",
"[![CRAN status](", pkgs[i,"Package"],
")](",pkgs[i, "Package"], ")",
"*", pkgs[i, "Title"], ".* ", pkgs[i, "Description"],
and this is the output:
A Notepad Inside RStudio. A project aware notepad inside RStudio, for taking quick project-related notes without distractions. RStudio addin.
Classical k-gram Language Models. Training and evaluating k-gram language models in R, supporting several probability smoothing techniques, perplexity computations, random text generation and more.
Feldman-Cousins Confidence Intervals. Provides support for building Feldman-Cousins confidence intervals [G. J. Feldman and R. D. Cousins (1998) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.57.3873].
R-Object to R-Object Hash Maps. Implementation of hash tables (hash sets and hash maps) in R, featuring arbitrary R objects as keys, arbitrary hash and key-comparison functions, and customizable behaviour upon queries of missing keys.
Efficient Weighted Sampling Without Replacement. Sample without replacement using the Gumbel-Max trick (c.f. ).
Text Prediction via Stupid Back-Off N-Gram Models. Utilities for training and evaluating text predictors based on Stupid Back-Off N-gram models (Brants et al., 2007,
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY-SA 4.0. Source code is available at, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".
For attribution, please cite this work as
Gherardi (2021, July 21). vgherard: Automatic resumes of your R-developer portfolio from your R-Universe. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{gherardi2021automatic, author = {Gherardi, Valerio}, title = {vgherard: Automatic resumes of your R-developer portfolio from your R-Universe}, url = {}, year = {2021} }