runi provides a client for R-universe APIs associated to R-universes. From the R-universe project page:

The package server provides REST APIs for managing package submissions and querying information about individual packages as well as on the repository level. These data can be accessed programmatically or displayed in a front-end dashboard.


You can install the development version of runi using

# install.packages("devtools")


df <- runi::runi_stats_descriptions("vgherard")
df[, c("Package", "Title", "Version")]
#> # A tibble: 7 x 3
#>   Package  Title                                             Version   
#>   <chr>    <chr>                                             <chr>     
#> 1 runi     Client for R-universe APIs              
#> 2 r2r      R-Object to R-Object Hash Maps                    0.1.1     
#> 3 kgrams   Classical k-gram Language Models        
#> 4 scribblr A Notepad Inside RStudio                
#> 5 gsample  Efficient Weighted Sampling Without Replacement   0.1.0     
#> 6 sbo      Text Prediction via Stupid Back-Off N-Gram Models 0.5.0     
#> 7 fcci     Feldman-Cousins Confidence Intervals              1.0.0