Fisher’s Randomization Test

Statistics Frequentist Methods Causal Inference

Notes and proofs of basic theorems

Valerio Gherardi

Let \(N\in \mathbb N\) be fixed, and let:

Given a scalar function \(t = t(\mathbf Z, \,\mathbf Y)\in \mathbb R\), define:

\[ P(t,\mathbf Z, \mathbf Y)=\sum _{\mathbf Z '}\text{Pr}_\mathbf Z(\mathbf Z')\cdot I(t(\mathbf Z',\mathbf Y)\geq t(\mathbf Z,\mathbf Y)), \] where \(\text{Pr}_\mathbf Z(\cdot)\) is the marginal distribution of treatment assignments.

Theorem. If \(\mathbf Y(0) = \mathbf Y(1)\) then:

\[ \text{Pr}(P(t,\mathbf Z,\mathbf Y)\leq \alpha) \leq \alpha. \]

Proof. Let \(\mathbf Z'\) be distributed according to \(\text{Pr}_\mathbf Z(\cdot)\), and define \(\mathbf Y' = \mathbf Z'\times \mathbf Y(1)+(1-\mathbf Z')\times \mathbf Y(0)\). Given \(t_0\in \mathbb R\), we observe that:

\[ \text {Pr}(t(\mathbf Z',\mathbf Y')\geq t_0 \,\vert\,\mathbf Y(0),\,\mathbf Y(1)) = \sum _{\mathbf Z '}\text{Pr}_\mathbf Z(\mathbf Z')\cdot I(t(\mathbf Z',\mathbf Y')\geq t_0). \] Now, if \(\mathbf Y(0) = \mathbf Y(1)\), we have \(t(\mathbf Z',\mathbf Y') = t(\mathbf Z',\mathbf Y)\), so that we may replace \(\mathbf Y'\) with \(\mathbf Y\) in the RHS of the previous equation. If, moreover, we choose \(t_0= t(\mathbf Z , \mathbf Y)\) we obtain:

\[ P(t, \mathbf Z, \mathbf Y) = \text {Pr}(t(\mathbf Z',\mathbf Y')\geq t(\mathbf Z,\mathbf Y) \,\vert\,\mathbf Y(0),\mathbf Y(1)). \] In other words, \(P(t,\mathbf Z, \mathbf Y)\) is a conditional \(p\)-value. Therefore:

\[ \text{Pr}(P(t,\mathbf Z,\mathbf Y)\leq \alpha \,\vert\,\mathbf Y(0),\mathbf Y(1)) \leq \alpha. \]

Since this is valid for any value of \(\mathbf Y (0)\) and \(\mathbf Y(1)\), the thesis follows.

In the usual setting of causal inference, we interpret:

Fisher’s “sharp” null hypothesis is an equality between random variables, the potential outcomes. Typical examples for the distribution \(\text{Pr}_\mathbf Z(\cdot)\) are:

\[ \text{Pr}_\mathbf Z (\mathbf Z) = \begin{cases} \binom N {n_1} ^{-1} & \sum _{i=1}^N Z_i =n_1, \\ 0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} \]

\[ \text{Pr}_\mathbf Z (\mathbf Z) = \prod _{i=1} ^N \pi^{Z_i}(1-\pi)^{1-Z_i}. \]

An example of test statistic is the difference in means between the treatment and control group, that can be written:

\[ t(\mathbf Z , \mathbf Y) = \sum_i c_i Y_i,\qquad c_i=\frac{Z_i}{\sum _iZ_i} - \frac{1-Z_i}{\sum _i(1-Z_i)}. \]


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Gherardi (2023, June 7). vgherard: Fisher's Randomization Test. Retrieved from

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  author = {Gherardi, Valerio},
  title = {vgherard: Fisher's Randomization Test},
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  year = {2023}